Supplemental Resources for Content-based Teaching
Grades 4th-12th
With One Step, students in grades 4–12 will embark on a global expedition to discover innovative solutions to combat global issues. Along the way, they’ll learn scientific concepts while honing their problem-solving, collaboration, and leadership skills.
- High-quality videos of current innovative solutions that make science understandable and bring science to life in the classroom
- Rich classroom discussions about problems and possible solutions
- Project-based learning
- Simple steps that empower students to take action
- NGSS-aligned 5E lesson plans, including prompts to facilitate academic discussions
Structured and scaffolded prompts to facilitate meaningful academic discussions
Support for Educators
- 5E lesson plans provide all the materials you need to teach a project-based lesson
- Cross-curricular approach: activities related to ELA, math, social science, and civics classes
- Step-by-step blueprint and roadmap for launching a district-wide sustainability initiative
- Explore resources towards being a Green Ribbon school