Scores from the IPT Reading and Writing Tests

The questions on the IPT Reading test are grouped into tasks that assess different aspects of reading: vocabulary both in isolation and in the context of sentences; literary and informational texts; and language usage. All students attempt all questions. The scores from the IPT Reading tests are derived from raw scores (number correct scores), and are reported in the same standardized score units as the IPT Oral scores: scaled scores, percentile ranks, and normal curve equivalents. They are also reported as designations and proficiency levels. Since all students attempt all questions in the IPT Reading test, the relationship between all the score points with this test is direct.

The IPT Writing test is composed of one multiple-choice part that evaluates writing conventions, and two productive writing parts. The scores from the productive writing tasks are weighted when calculating all the reported scores besides the raw score, so that productive writing receives 2/3 weight in the scores. As with the other skills, the reported scores are scaled scores, percentile ranks, normal curve equivalents, designations, and proficiency levels. Each of the scores is described briefly below. View the IPT Reading and Writing designation tables here, and the complete score conversion tables for the IPT Reading and Writing tests here.

  • Raw Scores
  • Scaled Scores
  • Percentile Ranks
  • Normal curve equivalents
  • Designations
  • Proficiency Levels
  • Call/Demo/E-mail