Scores from the IPT Oral Tests

The results of the IPT Oral tests are reported as an Oral Score level, as one of three designations: Non-, Limited, or Fluent, and as one of five proficiency levels (Beginning, Early Intermediate, Intermediate, Early Advanced, and Advanced). These scores are based on the test level (A–F) that the student achieved on the basis of the stopping rules during test administration. The student’s test data also include the number of questions that the student answered correctly during test administration, which is known as the student’s raw score. This score is converted into a range of standardized scores: scaled scores, percentiles, and normal curve equivalents (NCEs). Each of these scores is explained briefly below.

  • IPT Oral Score Levels
  • Designation
  • Proficiency Level
  • Raw Score
  • Scaled Score
  • Percentile Rank
  • Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE)
  • Call/Demo/E-mail