Grades 6-12 Newcomers
An easy-to-use oral language development tool designed to increase oral fluency of English learners.
The sentence frames provide English learners with targeted scaffolds to achieve grammatical accuracy and oral fluency.
This tool reduces teacher preparation time by providing more than 550 ready-made sentence frames to support oral language practice in a meaningful and authentic context through the use of thematic vocabulary.

Proficiency Levels:
Newcomers; Beginning-Early Intermediate
CA Proficiency Level:
WIDA Proficiency Levels:

Proficiency Levels:
CA Proficiency Level:
WIDA Proficiency Levels:
On-Demand Webinar!
Start Strong: A Systematic Approach to Teach K–12 Newcomer English Learners
See Frames for Fluency in action! And how it can be used along with our comprehensive ELD programs, Carousel of IDEAS (K–5) and Champion of IDEAS (6–12), to develop lessons that explicitly teach vocabulary, grammar, form and functions, to support newcomer English learners.

Oral Language Development