Dictionary 2
Grades K-Adult
Designed with intermediate to advanced (expanding-bridging) English language learners and emerging readers in mind, the Picture Dictionary 2 depicts nearly 1,400 English words, each clearly defined by a picture, phonetic spelling, and a sentence using the word in context. Part of the Carousel of IDEAS and Champion of IDEAS programs.
Intermediate – Advanced / Expanding - Bridging
2-063-03… $25 each (1-20 dictionaries)
$24 each (21+ dictionaries)
Product Features
- Nearly 1,400 entries, including nouns, verbs, prepositions, and adjectives
- Colorful photographs and illustrations for each word
- Includes language arts, social studies, science, and mathematics standards-based vocabulary
- Clear definitions and sample sentences help students understand each word in context
- Appendixes about idioms, U.S. presidents, and other content-area reference information
- Links to web-based downloadable worksheets
Includes 10 fun and practical appendixes
- Idioms Are Way Over My Head!
- The Solar System
- World Map
- Parts of the Earth
- U.S. Map
- Geometric Shapes
- United States Presidents
- Units of Measurement
- U.S. State Facts
- Roman & Arabic Numerals
- Helps students to transition from their primary language to English
- Improves comprehension of concrete words and abstract concepts
- Students learn to read more efficiently by building word attack skills
- Students gain the confidence and skills they need to access standard dictionaries