Creative IDEAS
Grades K-6
Student activity books to build vocabulary, grammar forms and functions, and other academic skills.

Books 1-4
Beginning - Early Intermediate

Books 5-7
Intermediate - Early Advanced
Each proficiency-based book provides 100 pages of activities that support reading, writing, listening, speaking, and comprehension.
Free Online Audio support is included for each book!

Product Features
- Ideal for younger students in grades K-6
- Organized into seven books. Each book is designed for a particular language level-from Beginning to Early Advanced
- Builds students' English language, cognitive, and academic skills
- Numerous reading and writing assignments prepare students for academic success.
- Activities focus on language forms and grammatical functions
- Corresponding audio component supports development of listening and speaking skills
- Creative Beats develop English skills in a fun, interactive way
- Lessons build on previous learning with activities that become progressively more challenging
- Designed so that students can work individually, in pairs, or in small groups
- Based on solid educational research and effective practices
Lessons involve students in:
- Matching sentences with pictures
- Identifying and classifying words and concepts
- Listening to, repeating, and writing important vocabulary
- Writing stories
- Solving puzzles