Limited Time Promotion
$99 per pack of 10 student books
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Creative IDEAS
Grades K-6
Student activity books to build vocabulary, grammar forms and functions, and other academic skills.

Books 1-4

Beginning - Early Intermediate


Books 5-7

Intermediate - Early Advanced

Each proficiency-based book provides 100 pages of activities that support reading, writing, listening, speaking, and comprehension.

Free Online Audio support is included for each book!

Grammatical Forms and
Language Functions

Product Features

  • Ideal for younger students in grades K-6
  • Organized into seven books. Each book is designed for a particular language level-from Beginning to Early Advanced
  • Builds students' English language, cognitive, and academic skills
  • Numerous reading and writing assignments prepare students for academic success.
  • Activities focus on language forms and grammatical functions
  • Corresponding audio component supports development of listening and speaking skills
  • Creative Beats develop English skills in a fun, interactive way
  • Lessons build on previous learning with activities that become progressively more challenging
  • Designed so that students can work individually, in pairs, or in small groups
  • Based on solid educational research and effective practices

Lessons involve students in:

  • Matching sentences with pictures
  • Identifying and classifying words and concepts
  • Listening to, repeating, and writing important vocabulary
  • Writing stories
  • Solving puzzles
